The Scottish Rite in the United States has two Supreme Councils: One which governs the Southern Jurisdiction; the other, the Northern Jurisdiction. The Southern Jurisdiction encompasses many territories outside the United States and all but 15 of the Continental United States. These 15 states are governed by the Northern Jurisdiction. Each state is designated an “Orient” and is headed by a Sovereign Grand Inspector General, or a Deputy of the Supreme Council. This official’s tenure is for an indefinite period.
Operating within an Orient are the bodies that carry out the activities of the Rite in a number of locations. These locations are designated “Valleys”, such as “Valley of Baltimore.”
The larger valleys have four Bodies, the title of the presiding officer, and the degrees under the auspices of each are:
LODGE OF PERFECTION – Venerable Master
4° – 14° The Ineffable Degrees
15° -18° Historical and Religious Degrees
19° – 30° Philosophical and Chivalric Degrees
CONSISTORY – Master of Kadosh
31° & 32° Ceremonial and Official Degrees
The Orient of Maryland consists of six Valleys, each with its own officers. The Valley of Baltimore and the Valley of Cumberland have all four Bodies. The Valleys of Salisbury and Frederick have three Bodies – a Lodge of Perfection, a Chapter of Rose Croix, and a Council of Kadosh. The Valleys of Southern Maryland and Susquehanna each have two bodies – a Lodge of Perfection, and a Chapter of Rose Croix. The Valley of Charles County has a Lodge of Perfection. For those Valleys which do not have a Chapter of Rose Croix, Council of Kadosh and/or a Consistory, the membership of these Valleys are members of the Valley of Baltimore’s Chapter of Rose Croix, Council of Kadosh and/or Consistory.